We advocate for solutions to end poverty and food insecurity.
By leveraging research and working closely with stakeholders across the sector, Daily Bread works to advance meaningful policy change to end hunger in our city.
Advocacy Guiding Principles
We work with all official political parties to accomplish our shared goal of ending poverty and food insecurity.
We believe food is a human right and we advocate to ensure this right is realized.
Grounded in research and lived experience
Our advocacy is informed by research evidence and by the voices of people experiencing poverty and food insecurity.
We seek to build relationships and act as a bridge between stakeholders.
Focused and intentional
We focus on maximizing impact for food bank clients and creating systemic change.
Our advocacy holds both government and ourselves accountable to clients, member agencies, donors, volunteers, and the public.
Areas of Focus
Food insecurity is a symptom of poverty. The majority of food bank clients rely on fixed incomes, primarily from social assistance. Ontario’s two social assistance programs, Ontario Works and Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), leave people living in deep poverty. Research evidence shows that income support programs, like the Canada Child Benefit and senior’s benefits have reduced the severity of food insecurity in Canada for these groups. Our advocacy focuses on closing the gaps in our social safety net so that every person living in Canada has sufficient income to afford their basic needs and realize their right to food.
Lack of affordable housing is a driver of both poverty and food insecurity. The majority of food bank clients in Toronto are paying more than half of their income on housing, putting them at high risk of homelessness. Daily Bread advocates to increase supply of affordable rental housing, expand the reach of portable housing benefits, and enhance renter supports to achieve the right to food and housing for all.
While some people say the best pathway out of poverty is a job, the reality is that one in three food bank clients in Toronto have employment as their primary income source. Most of these individuals are working on precarious jobs with low wages and little to no benefits. Daily Bread advocates for a livable wage, paid sick days, portable employment benefits, and protections for low-income workers.
Policy Submissions
2025 Canada Pre-Budget Submission (March 2025)
2024 Canada Disability Benefit Draft Regulations Submission
2025 Canada Pre-Budget Submission (August 2024)
2024 Canada Pre-Budget Submission
2023 Canada Disability Benefit SOCI Brief Submission
2023 Canada Pre-Budget Submission
2022 Canada Disability Benefit HUMA Brief Submission
2025 Ontario Pre-Budget Submission
2024 Ontario Budget Submission
2023 Ontario Pre-Budget Submission
2022 Ontario Portable Benefits Program Submission
2022 Provincial Budget Submission
2021 Provincial Budget Submission
2020 Fall Provincial Budget Submission
2020 Submission to Ontario Jobs and Recovery Committee
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