Corporate Partnerships

Being a corporate partner ensures access to fresh, nutritious food, addressing growing challenges in the communities we serve.

Together, we’ll create unique opportunities to engage employees, increase brand awareness, and make a positive community impact.

Donate Funds

A philanthropic corporate donation will be invested in our community food programs, ensuring people have access to fresh, nutritious, and culturally appropriate food.

Donate Food

By donating surplus food or items that are close to code, you can help provide much needed food to people struggling with food insecurity and reduce food waste.

Team Building

Organize a group volunteer session for a unique team-building experience for your employees. Help prepare meals for agency meal programs across the city or sort and pack food donations to distribute to our network.

Create a Workplace Campaign

Harness the creativity and passion of your employees through workplace food drives and fundraising events.

Cause Marketing

Align with Daily Bread and join the fight to end hunger. Make a strong social impact while increasing your brand awareness, market share, customer loyalty, and reputation.

Learn & Advocate

Learn more about the challenges of poverty and food insecurity through our educational lunch and learn programs and advocacy opportunities.

Need help?

Inquire now or email [email protected] today.

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Corporate Partner.

Please fill out the form and we will get back to you in two business days.

Prefer to call?

You can also give Ali Hodgins, Senior Development Officer, Corporate and Community Partnerships a call at 647-557-5462 or email [email protected]

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Corporate Partner.

Please fill out the form and we will get back to you in two business days.

Prefer to call?

You can also give Ali Hodgins, Senior Development Officer, Corporate and Community Partnerships a call at 647-557-5462 or email [email protected]

Would you like to raise funds or food to benefit Daily Bread Food Bank?

That’s great – THANK YOU! By supporting our cause, you’re supporting your community. Please take a moment to provide a bit more information for us so we can follow-up with you to ensure that your promotion is aligned with our mission and values, and that any descriptions of our cause, work and organization is accurately described.

By submitting your application you are agreeing to the following:

1. Trademarks. Our name and our logo are, well, ours. Permission is required for any public association with our name or our logo; without permission, use is prohibited. When you register your event online or complete this application form for a company promotion, you’ll be agreeing to our conditions for use of our name and logo. Once we approve your promotion/event we will send you our “in support of” logo with specific details outlining usage and brand guidelines.
2. Our cause. We want all of your supporters to understand our cause, how we work, and how to reach us for more information. At your event or in your promotional materials, our contact information such as our website must be made available.
3. Promoting your event, drive or campaign. To be successful, you’ll need a promotion or marketing strategy. How are you going to get the word out to people who will support you? We’ll help where we can, but please remember that as a charity our goal is to put as much of our own resources to ensuring people don’t go hungry. As an independent fundraiser, you agree that promoting your event or campaign is your responsibility.
4. Liability and Insurance. You are the event or campaign organizer. Daily Bread is the beneficiary. That means that you assume responsibility for the costs of this event, and any permits, insurance that may be required. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Daily Bread from any losses, claims or injuries arising from your event.
5. Transparency. You agree to be clear in all of your communications such as your packaging, advertising or promotional materials:
a. That Daily Bread is the beneficiary, not the organizer, of your event or promotion;
b. The amount of the benefit to Daily Bread (e.g. $1 of every package sold, or 10% of proceeds after costs).
You agree to submit your wording to Daily Bread for advance approval. If the benefit to Daily Bread isn’t aligned with your promotional value, we may ask you to make adjustments before proceeding. You also agree that Daily Bread may disclose the benefits to interested third parties.
6. Remittance and Reporting. You will forward the Proceeds and official accounting documentation to Daily Bread within thirty (30) days after the end of the Promotion. If the promotion is on-going, you agree to remit proceeds on a monthly basis thereafter.

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Corporate Partner.

Please fill out the form and we will get back to you in two business days.

Prefer to email?

Email [email protected].

Thank you for your interest in donating your corporate food inventory.

Please fill out the form and Andrew Mason, Manager, Corporate Partnerships (Food) will get back to you shortly.

Prefer to call?

You can also give Andrew Mason, Senior Manager, Corporate Partnerships (Food) a call at 647-952-3516.