FAQs – Test

Below are a few frequently asked questions.

I want to run a food drive.
What kind of food should I collect?

Non-perishable foods that are high in protein and/or pack a nutritional punch are at the top of our list. You may also want to consider foods that reflect cultural and dietary restrictions, such as gluten-free and halal items. Click here to see a list of our most needed items.

Can I get a food collection bin?

We are happy to provide signature Daily Bread-branded bins for larger food drives. These can be picked up at our warehouse at 191 New Toronto St. between the hours of 8:30 and 4:30, Monday to Friday. The bins are 2’ x 2’ x 4’ and lay flat – easily fitting in the back seat of a standard car.

How do I get the food to Daily Bread?

There are several ways to get the food you collect through your food drive to Daily Bread. 

Drop off your food donations at any fire hall across the city.  They are open 24/7.  Find your local fire hall here. 

Bring your donations directly to the Daily Bread warehouse. 
We’re located at 191 New Toronto St., and the entrance at Gate 2 is open for donation drop-offs Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. You’ll see a bin for donations right next to the truck bays. 

Request a pickup. 
You can request a pickup for food drives that have collected 750 lbs. or more. For reference, 750 lbs. of food would be the equivalent of four full Daily Bread yellow bins, 60 full reusable shopping bags or 40 banker boxes. Once you’ve completed your drive, you can request a pickup here by filling out this form.

I’m a high school student, can I get community service hours for doing a food drive? 

Yes, we have a program called “Take Action Project” where you can earn community service/volunteer hours while helping to end hunger in Toronto by hosting a food drive.

You just need to register your food drive and for every 25 nonperishable food items you collect for donation to Daily Bread Food Bank, you will earn one volunteer hour. Please ensure that you check the box that says “I’m a high school student interested in earning volunteer hours.” 

Have a question?

If your question wasn’t answered, please contact us.

Start A Food Drive

Company/Organization/School Address

Event Details

Event Address

Check all that apply
You can request paper bags and bins for your drive. Please note that bags and bins can be picked up Daily Bread's Welcome Centre, 191 New Toronto Street, Etobicoke, Mon-Fri, from 9:00am-4:30pm.

Request A Pickup

Pick-Up Information

Address of Pick-Up Location

Contact Name at Pick-Up Location

Please note that you must have a minimum of 750 lbs (or 4 Daily Bread yellow bins filled) to be eligible for a pick-up
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.