Sep 4, 2020

Volunteer Spotlight: Will Orme

Two things came easy to Will Orme growing up – sports and giving back to his community.  

Having found a career in the sports industry, Will has been fortunate to volunteer at soup kitchens, coach with Big Brothers, and support Salvation Army Toy Drives, but with a demanding work and travelling schedule, he couldn’t commit the time he wanted giving back to others. 

When the coronavirus was declared a global pandemic, Will’s job was put on hold, and he knew he wanted to spend his time away from sports, getting involved. 

Since the beginning of April, Will has been volunteering with us here at Daily Bread Food Bank, and hasn’t missed a shift since! 

He started off on the production floor sorting food donations, then used his strength to pick orders in the warehouse, and now Will helps out in the Kitchen with meal prep and serving lunch to our incredible team of staff and volunteers.

Will’s favourite part about coming into Daily Bread Food Bank is the new community he has. 

“I’ve met such great people, and they want to be here. I love talking to the staff and other volunteers – the highlight of my day is remembering who’s a vegetarian, and who doesn’t like certain things, it’s fun!” 

When we asked Will what the most rewarding part of volunteering at Daily Bread Food Bank he said, “Seeing the need firsthand – I’ve always known giving back is important, but it’s easy to lose that perspective. With the pandemic, the struggles that people face are that much more difficult. Some people have families to support, and others don’t, but regardless, I feel like it’s everyone’s duty to support one another through these times” 

On behalf of the entire team at Daily Bread Food Bank, thank you for your support and commitment to our cause Will! We are truly grateful for all of your hard work, and willingness to give back – we couldn’t do it without you! 

If you would like to learn more about how you can volunteer with Daily Bread Food Bank, and support our operations, click here.

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