Aug 20, 2024

Staff spotlight: Sei

Meet Sei, a core member in Daily Bread Food Bank’s commercial kitchen. He joined the team this past May as a Cafeteria Cook.

What does a typical day look like in your role?

A large part of my role is preparing our on-site lunches that we serve to volunteers, many of whom are clients themselves. I start each day by getting the dining area ready, which includes making sure that plates and cutlery are out, that everything is turned on, that the drink fridges are stocked and that the space is tidy. Once that’s in order, I begin preparing food, specifically for our salad bar. I start by checking what items we have, what we might need more of and what still needs to get done. I’ll also work with our amazing volunteers to get food items ready and out into the cafeteria. While lunch is being served I assist with any items that need to be refilled and I’ll also assist with cleaning dishes and trays. After lunch is done, I’ll get the space tidied, and will dispose of any waste, and downsize and store any leftovers into our fridge. Once everything is put away, I’ll begin preparing for the next day’s lunch, so that things are all in order.

What do you enjoy most about the work that you do?

One of my favourite things about being a member of the Daily Bread team is getting to work so closely with the volunteers. They choose to be here and dedicate their time to supporting the community, and that creates such a positive environment. Without the volunteers, we wouldn’t be able to run the kitchen in the way that we do! I’m so happy to get to make good food that helps fuel our volunteers.

What made you want to work at Daily Bread Food Bank?

I wanted to work in a place where I could give back. I was aware of Daily Bread and the work the organization did, so when I came across the role, I was happy to join a workplace that supports individuals in the way that it does.

What are your hobbies?

I spend all my free time with my kids and my family. I used to be an avid golfer, so now that my kids are getting older I want to start taking them golfing.

What are people often surprised to learn about you?

I’ve had several career paths, so people are often surprised about a few of the roles I’ve had. Before cooking, my first job out of university was in the film industry. I actually produced a film on my own that I filmed in Germany.

Thank you, Sei! We’re so grateful to have you on the Daily Bread team and for your passion and care in feeding those you work alongside.

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