Oct 9, 2024

Staff spotlight: Bev

Meet Bev, our Programs & Services Coordinator at Daily Bread Food Bank. Since joining the team in 2017, Bev has been committed to supporting our member agencies and streamlining processes so that we can better serve the growing number of clients accessing emergency food supports across the city.

What does a typical day look like in your role?

My job is rooted in customer service, primarily with the member agencies we serve. But I also work closely with our operations team with regard to orders and deliveries. When I get in, I will see if there are any emails from agencies in case they’ve had to let us know of anything, so that I can relay those details to transportation or the order desk. I’m currently working on renewals (ahead of our Annual General Meeting), so I’m sending out contracts and a lot of other communication to agencies. Throughout the day, I will typically field calls. Whether it’s an agency looking into the arrival time of their truck, or if we need to make an adjustment to a food order, I will support in whatever way I can. I’m also kind of the triage for the Programs & Services department, so calls will come in to me almost like a central area, and I direct them to the team member who can best support them.

What made you decide to join the Daily Bread team?

I’ve always worked in food. I’ve been in the food security industry for 20 years, and prior to that I was in catering. Feeding people is just a part of me; even in my spare time, it’s what I like to do. This has been an absolute bonus, but working at Daily Bread has also provided me with the best commute of my life, because I can cycle 12 months of the year along the lake.

What do you enjoy most about the work that you do?

For me it would be interacting with the agencies. I connect with them regularly, and it’s an aspect of my job that I really enjoy. And I enjoy problem solving and working under pressure. It motivates me to be able to work through a problem and help others who need the support.

I’m also grateful to have been here in the time before Covid, because I’ve been able to see firsthand how we’ve adapted as an organization. It’s been so impressive to see all the teams step up, which has brought us to where we are now.

What’s been your greatest professional achievement in your time at Daily Bread?

This is in conjunction with our operations team, but I’m proud of the fact that we worked to narrow our food delivery times to agencies from a 3-hour window to a 90-minute window. This is really hard to do in the city, especially in the last year with all the construction. We also try to communicate on a more regular basis if we’re going to be outside of that time frame. I’m proud that we’re providing elevated customer service.

Another one has been changing or tweaking the process when we realize that something isn’t working. This only happens when agencies feel comfortable giving honest feedback, and that’s something that I’m proud to have built over time.

What are some of your hobbies?

Cycling is an extension of me. Cooking is another hobby of mine. I love swimming. And I do a lot of volunteer work in the Parkdale area.

What are people often surprised to learn about you?

I am an extreme early bird – I get up before dawn on the weekends. I love my sunrises, so I prioritize seeing them.  

If you could be any animal, what would you be?

I would be some sort of waterfowl that can fly. I want to be near the water, but also enjoy an aerial view.

Thank you, Bev, for your incredible passion and genuine care for helping others. We’re so grateful for how you’ve continued to adapt your role in order to help our neighbours experiencing food insecurity!

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