Oct 16, 2024

12-year-old inspires change by giving back

While most pre-teens dream of birthday parties overflowing with gifts and colourful decorations, 12-year-old Venya envisioned something different. She chose to celebrate her special day by packing up essential hygiene items for Torontonians struggling with food insecurity, reminding all of us that compassion has no age limit.

Venya’s inspiration for a “give back” party began when she attended a Daily Bread event with her parents. “I helped sort food, and I really enjoyed it,” says Venya. “At the beginning, the CEO talked [about food insecurity] and it was really eye-opening. It felt so good to give back. That’s when I told my mom I wanted to do a food sort for my birthday.” 

When Venya learned she was too young for regular volunteer opportunities, her determination didn’t waiver. Instead, she and her mother reached out to Daily Bread staff, who suggested a fun yet meaningful alternative: preparing hygiene kits for food bank clients.

“We did a lot of planning,” Venya explains. “We compared prices for all the toiletries and things like washcloths to see where we could get things cheaper.” Through this experience, Venya gained insight into the challenges of budgeting on a limited income. “When you’re buying something as basic as a toothbrush, you realize it all adds up, and not everyone can afford it. It’s expensive.”

On the day of her party, Venya organized her friends into an assembly line to pack 50 kits filled with essentials like toothpaste, razors, and fresh socks. “We had a lot of fun doing it,” says Venya, “and my friends thought it was really thoughtful.”

Once the kits were assembled, Daily Bread’s Information and Referrals team handed out the kits to clients who were grateful to Venya, her parents, and her friends for the thoughtful donation.

Since her birthday, Venya has continued to give back, helping with the Purolator Red Bag campaign and taking part in Daily Bread’s Thanksgiving public food sort. Given her thoughtful and empathetic nature, we know she’ll continue making a difference in her community for years to come — and we’re proud to call her a friend of Daily Bread.

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